Tough and Necessary

HomeEQ Insight StoriesTough and Necessary

“So, since we went over the correction plan for your work two weeks ago and we outlined what needed to be achieved, how do you think you’ve done?” asked Shelia.

Tough and Necessary

“I’ve tried hard to meet the goals,” said Aaron.

“What are the benchmarks you think you achieved given the plan we outlined two weeks ago?” Shelia asked again.

“Well, I didn’t get any of them completed,” Aaron replied.

“Why do you think this happened?” asked Shelia.

“I don’t know,” Arron stated.

“Aaron, we have been working on this for six weeks.  We have made three different performance plans and you have not achieved any of them.  When I’ve asked about help or support you might need or what barriers are standing in your way, you have no suggestions or ideas. Is this a fair statement?“ Shelia outlined.

“Yes.  You’ve stated what the last six weeks have been like,” Aaron summarized.

“Aaron, I think it is clear that this is not a good position for you.  You have consistently had challenges in meeting expectations which suggests that we don’t have a good alignment with the job challenges and your knowledge, interests, or skills.  To help you transition out of the company, we are going to….” Shelia already had the closing paper work and HR staff handy to assist with ending Aaron’s employment.

Shelia thought about the work she did to support Aaron and how important it was to her to deal with him fairly, assertively communicate, and be firm and compassionate.  In her previous dismissals, she simply called people into the office and told them they were fired.  But this time it was different and it felt different—it felt more transparent and honest.  She picked up a copy of the People Skills Handbook and became a student of these chapters:

  • (2) Assertiveness
  • (8) Congruence
  • (19) Independence
  • (23) Integrity
  • (25) Interpersonally Skillful
  • (35) Reality Testing
  • (45) Situational Awareness
  • (49) Stamina